Thursday, April 26, 2012

B is for Bipolar Bunny

I'm seriously fatigued and have been all week.  I'm often fatigued and it's usually for any one of a million reasons.  These week it's simply from broken sleep and stress.  I've upped my vitamins and did some yoga and am generally just trying to relax and get by.  I take lamictal, a mood stabilizer, once a day, every morning, and have been for years, and I often suspect that it might have something to do with the fatigue.  It's still light years ahead of how I was before I started taking it.  Fatigue vs. being totally loony?  Yeah, I'll take naps.

In writing that, I find myself thinking back to when I was younger.  I was officially diagnosed when I was 21 (official diagnosis is bipolar type 1), but have been living with the disorder since the age of about 11 or 12.  After diagnosis it took my psychiatrist and I a few years to find the right medications, most of that being because the current medications that are the most successful for treating bipolar disorder weren't even on the market until about then.  I still consider myself lucky.  Yeah, my formative years really sucked but at least I wasn't born any earlier than I was, like when the only drug they had was lithium (which made me fat and cranky and I broke out so badly that I still have scars from it) or like when they still gave bipolar people excessive electroshock treatments or FREAKING LOBOTOMIES.

Again, I'll take naps.

Sitting here today, on this lovely morning, I find myself thinking how funny it is that all of this used to be such a big deal.  I've been pretty stable for years now, with a few breaks here and there, which is normal even for those who don't have a major mental disorder.  I take my little pill once a day and for the most part things are fine.  When I was younger I thought things would never get better, but they did, so now, no matter how rough or frustrated I might feel, I always remind myself of those days, and other time periods that were awful, and tell myself that things will always get better if I can just keep going.

Glass half full, my friends.

My other B today is Bunny.  Bunny is my boyfriend's nickname for me, which is hilarious because if you had never met us, you would never suspect us of being that cutesy.

Bunny kind of naturally evolved.  Craig was being silly and thanking me for something one day, and instead of just saying thank you, he quoted this commercial:

I don't remember ever seeing it as a kid, but Craig is about eight years older than me so there's a wee bit of an age gap that we deal with every now and again when it comes to stuff like that.

Anyway, so instead of just saying thank you he said, "Thank you Easter bunny!" in this cute little kid voice, and it cracked me up so he kept doing it, and eventually it evolved into him calling me Easter Bunny, and now it's become simply Bunny, or the even shorter Bun.  As in, when we have conversations he rarely calls me Amanda. I have a nickname for him as well, but that'll have to come in a later intro since the letter B isn't even in it.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A is for Amanda.

The alphabet starts with A.  So does my name.  How fabulously convenient!

There's a little bling bling for ya.

From wikipedia: 
"Amanda is a Latin female gerundive name meaning "having to be loved," "deserving to be loved," or, simply, "worthy of love."
The name "Amanda" first appeared in 1212 on a birth record from Warwickshire, England, and five centuries later the name was popularized by poets and playwrights.[1]
In the United States, "Amanda" slowly became more prominent from the 1930s to the 1960s, ranking among the top 200 baby names.[1] It jumped into the top 10 in the mid-1970s, likely because of Barry Manilow's 1974 No. 1 hit song "Mandy," a nickname for Amanda.[citation needed]
From 1976 to 1995, "Amanda" ranked in the ten most popular female baby names in the United States. The name was most popular from 1978 to 1992, when it ranked in the top 4. At its prime, in 1980, it was the second most popular. In 2009, "Amanda" ranked number 166. It was still ranked among the top ten names given to girls born in Puerto Rico in 2009. The name is also currently popular in Sweden, where it ranked twentieth for girls born in 2009, down five places from 2008, when it was ranked fifteenth. It is also popular in Swedish-speaking families in Finland, where it ranked among the top ten names for girls born to ethnic Swedes."

I was actually named after my great grandmother, my mom's dad's mother, a woman that was, like me, tough.  She was also tiny at only 4'10", and slender throughout her entire life.  I lovingly blame the fact that I am shorter than all the other women on my family on her.  She was a lovely woman who passed away on Christmas Day of 1998, and because I happened to actually be visiting my grandparents in Missouri at the time, I was actually able to attend her funeral and say my goodbyes to her.  It was my first funeral and the only open casket funeral that I've ever attended.

Growing up there was always at least one other girl in my class with the same name as me, but I never minded because I knew I was a legitimate Amanda, because my name had been given to me with reason and love, not just picked out of a book of baby names.  In retrospect this was kind of a bratty attitude to have but I suppose I needed some way to feel special.

My family has always called me Mandy, but no one else does.  In fact, I feel weird hearing that nickname from anyone but family and strongly dislike it when other people try to call me that.  I've felt this way since I was a little kid.  I remember coming home from Girl Scout summer camp where my mother had cheerfully labeled all of my stuff "Mandy" instead of "Amanda" and telling her that I didn't want to be called Mandy by anyone but family.  I think I was seven or eight.  So to this day that's what they all call me, which is fine, just like my boyfriend calls me by his name for me and I call him by my name for him, but ultimately when I think of myself, I identify as "Amanda."

There are tons of famous Amandas out there, but because I'm a big old dork, my favorites are the one from Highlander, Amanda Tapping from Stargate and Sanctuary, and Amanda Palmer, the brilliant lead singer of the Dresden Dolls who also happens to be married to the equally brilliant Neil Gaiman.

Last, but not least, we have this song by Boston, but I will warn you that at this point I've had it sung to me so many times that it sadly no longer takes me by surprise and makes me realize...

Disorganized ABCs

So there's this nifty writing prompt project that involves the ABCs, and you're supposed to write a post every day of the week but one.  I happen to think that this is a fab idea, but I'll be the first to admit that doing things in a timely fashion is not exactly my forte.  Unless it involves things like finances or cleaning up cat puke.  So I've decided to go ahead and do it anyways, but I'm going to do it when I'm able to and just try to make up for the lack of timeliness by making my entries extra lengthy and... festive.  With links and pictures and such.  Entries with extra flair, if you will.  At least this way I'll have some sort of structure.  As opposed to the sentences in this entry, which are entirely lacking in it.  The grammar gods weep.

Here, have some funny.